We often get the question regarding where to post and what to post. While every partner has different strengths (is your audience on Facebook, Ravelry, Instagram, or your own website). We encourage you to use any of the descriptions or product page photos in addition to the creative assets loaded in your affiliate account to help you drive passive income too. Below are the places we would recommend you post with a couple of tips.


Post to Instagram

Your account is loaded with a square creative asset, specifically designed for Instagram. Here is a posting checklist:

  • Instagram is fun + personal. Keep your post with that same tone.
  • Tell people why you're posting it. Is it an article in the issue you love? Is it to support your business?
  • Remind people that the link to purchase is in your bio.
  • And remember to put your affiliate link in your bio. How to create affiliate link.


Post to Facebook

For your Facebook post, you can either do a link post (copy/paste your affiliate link) or a photo post with the link in the description. We generally see more click throughs on link posts but better reach on photo posts. When posting to Facebook, here are a couple of tips:

  • Keep the description short
  • Tell people why you're posting it. Is it an article in the issue you love? Is it to support your business?
  • Don't be afraid to repost or post with a different message a few days or weeks later.


Post to Your Website

Depending on your website, you may have a natural spot for a display advertisement on your website. If not, we like to write interesting stories around the content we create. Tell people about the scraf you created and link to the issue that gave you the inspiration to create it. Here is a video on how to retrieve the creative assets for your website.


Email Your Subscriber List

Email is the highest converting marketing channel available. If you have a list, consider embedding one of the banners in your typical email or better yet, send a dedicated email to your audience highlighting the product. A couple of tips:

  • Make sure to tell your list why they should care
  • Remember to use your affiliate link!
  • You're welcome to pull any of the descriptions that you see on our product pages to help build your email
  • We recommend an initial send, with a follow up send to anyone who didn't open the email a couple of days later


If you've found any tips that work particularly well, please send them to [email protected] and we'll update this page.