1. Start by going to your community:
2. Make sure you're logged in on the top right corner of your screen
If you are not logged in, please check out the help article here for login steps.
3. Click on the down arrow next to your email and click on "Subscriptions"
4. Once you are on your Subscriptions page, you will see the red button "Upgrade to All Access Subscription"
5. After you click on the red button, a window will pop up that will ask for your billing information. Confirm that it's all correct and click "Next".
Please note: Make sure all required fields are filled out otherwise it won't let you move onto the next screen.
6. The next screen will ask for your payment method details. Make sure to enter that information and then click "Next"
7. Now you should have access to the additional content that's provided with an All Access subscription. Note, you will be charged the prorated amount until your next renewal date. On your next renewal date, you will be charged the full amount of the All Access subscription for another term.
If you need help upgrading your subscription, please reach out to [email protected].